
Rosie Posie Soap Benefit
Rose essentials is the best remedy for the signs of aging and boost skin tone. They are highly concentrated in vitamin C and E. Rose lemon has vitamin C which stimulates the epidermis, activates blood and lymphatic microcirculation, and help you with confrontation by promoting synthesis of collagen and elastin. It also reduces the thickness of the “stratum corn rum”. Pectin and limonese have well known antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Citric acid is an ideal bactericide and fungicide fights skin aging, smooth out even the most fragile areas and tone it up. High in estrogen Tammins, it gently refines the skin’s grain and tightens the pores. It is an antioxidant that protects the skin from exposure, nourishing the skin and preventing the skin from dying out. Alpha-linolenic acid and pro vitamin A foster the process of skin cell regeneration. Topical used only .
Goat milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid which help remove dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. This leaves the skin smoother and younger looking. Goat milk contains many vitamins but high on vitamin A which is necessary to repair damaged skin tissue. It also contains minerals such as Selenium. It can prevent damage to the skin from excessive time in the sun.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble,essentials nutrient with anti-inflammatory properties. Bit E helps support the immune system, cell function and skin health. It’s an antioxidant.